June 2021
How To Build An Effective Remote Team In 7 Steps ?
At the end of the meeting you can search important things through all...
By seamlessly blending text and voice messaging, woice allows you to take advantage of the best of both worlds. The precision, clarity and forethought of text augmented by the spontaneity, tone and emotion of the voice.
Woice is a great way to replace those stand up meetings with asynchronous voice communication so you stay synced while going async.
Adding voice messages to your text communications provides so much more context than text alone. With woice, there’s no double-checking and second guessing, and way less room for mistakes and misunderstandings.
Every voice message in woice is automatically and immediately transcribed using state-of-the-art voice recognition technology. So the recipient can choose whichever is most convenient, and has a record not only of exactly what was said, but also how it was said.