June 2021
How To Build An Effective Remote Team In 7 Steps ?
At the end of the meeting you can search important things through all...
Woice is perfect for asynchronous daily standups, enabling everyone to report to the team without intruding on their individual working processes.
More people ought to be able to get more things done more quickly, but we all know that it often doesn’t work that way. Woice helps you develop systems of communication that minimize distractions, derailing and time wasting.
More and more businesses are finding they get the best from their team members by creating an agile working culture, and asynchronous meetings are a vital component of this philosophy.
For remote teams working across different time zones, it doesn’t make sense to force everyone to meet at the same time - it actually makes some team members feel more remote. Meeting asynchronously through woice is the best solution for international teams.
If everyone chooses when to give and receive daily updates, then they’re going to be focused on it at the time. Conventional standups breed daydreaming and time wasting - woice standups do not.