for freelancers

How freelancers
use woice

Asynchronicity is the norm for freelancers. Woice is designed to make asynchronous communication as natural and personal as possible.

Freelancer on the zoom meeting

A communication tool that doesn’t try to dictate your schedule for you

Maintaining good time management when dealing with an irregular, unpredictable workload is vital to a freelancer. Woice is designed to reduce the chaos of dealing with multiple clients, allowing you to dedicate time to getting things done.

No distractions
Woice has no notifications whatsoever, so it’ll never interrupt work time.
Organized communication
Clearly defined channels and threads instead of stacked up emails.
Home Screen of app
Freelancer working outside
Flexible and adaptable

Freelancers, by definition, are not in the same place at the same time every day, so they need tools that are as flexible and adaptable as they are.

Woice isn’t just useful for networking and negotiating, it helps you keep track of jobs and clients too.


Make sure to respond on your own time and don't get disturbed

Most freelancers chose that style of work because they wanted to be their own boss, but often end up feeling more bossed around than ever by their inboxes and notifications. Woice is different - it truly allows the user to be king or queen 
of their own working life.

Fully customizable tools
Woice won’t tell you what to do
Features of app
Freelancer working while traveling

Work from anywhere with no timezone limitations! 

Woice is ideal for anyone working remotely, especially where collaborators are in different time zones. Your next client could be anywhere in the world, so come equipped with the right communication tools.

Asynchronous communication
Go global

Esa Blevins

CEO and owner
June 2021

How To Build An Effective Remote Team In 7 Steps ?

At the end of the meeting you can search important things through all...

Esa Blevins

CEO and owner
June 2021

How To Build An Effective Remote Team In 7 Steps ?

At the end of the meeting you can search important things through all...

Esa Blevins

CEO and owner
June 2021

How To Build An Effective Remote Team In 7 Steps ?

At the end of the meeting you can search important things through all...

Say it loud and clear instead
of using your keyboard.

Seamlessly blending text and voice messaging. Enjoy the best of both worlds.
Start communicating with more warmth and forget about notification anxiety! 

Download now